Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home Again

So I have been home for a few days now but unable to catch up on all the work that needs to be done, plus all the sleep I didn't seem to realize I was missing until I got back. Maybe it was just a bit of jet lag, and the different elevation levels between New Mexico and Oregon. To update -----After going to the beach the first day, (and whales have been seen there since, not fair that we didn't get to see them) we went as close as we could get to Mt. St. Helen's. That is the volcano/mountain that blew in May of 1980 and has spewed ash a few times since. But the roads up close were still blocked by all the winter snow so we had to be content with a distant view. The day after my sister Jan had her surgery on her foot. She was home the same day or physically she was, but the pain killers she was on had her floating way far away. Thankfully Jim had bought her a funny little scooter that she is able to use to get around on until she is able to walk again. It really helped and is still helping as that way she doesn't have to use crutches which are difficult to use and make our bad backs hurt even worse. I helped her as long as I we had planned on and wanted to stay longer but things seemed to be going to heck here at my home as my pony Star kept getting a touch of the colic off and on. It was onto the plane and back. (Thankfully we had known better than to have reservation on American but had Southwest.) Now that I am home Star seems over the colic. It may have been some bad hay which I took back and now have all horses on bermudia grass hay and alfalpha cubes as well as their grain. All horses are shaggy and ragged looking and I have been brushing and brushing. They look like they are loosing weight (which they needed to do) due to shedding winter coats. You don't reallize just how thick there winter fur is until it comes out. We have also been digging out our tree wells as the wind had filled them in to were we couldn't get any water to the trees again. And I even took the time to plant a few flower seeds and I'm trying to start some tomatoes, watermellon, pumkins, and catalope in the house. I think it is almost time that I can put the houseplants out side for the summer.

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