Thursday, January 12, 2006

Little Hawk

Yesterday morning I was taking the horses from their small, individual pens and letting them have some free time in the turnout field, when I saw a small hawk sitting on a fence post. It didn't really look like a kestral but it might have been. It seemed to be a bit larger than a kestral, but was still a lot smaller than the normal red tailed hawks that are common around here. He didn't seem to be afraid of either me, the horses or the dogs. Just moving to a place near us when ever we moved about. At one point he even flew under my old pickup. I thought that was a bit unusual. I wondered if maybe he was slightly injured but decided he was just hungry and was hoping we would scare out a mouse for him to dine on. No such luck, but I encouraged the little hawk to stay around and have all the mice he could find. I hope he did find a mouse dinner after I went back into the house. We certainly have enough of them to spare him one or two.

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