Monday, November 17, 2008

Junky Emails

Ok, I've had it with the junky emails. Emails that are from my friends that I correspond with frequently. They get them from other friends and think they should be sent on to me, and everyone they know. Emails about "friends/love/god/support/cute/care-for/political/awaaa-for-the-day/bad-luck/good-luck/send-to-so-many-in-such-and-such-a-length-of-time/". Even though the election is over I am still getting political emails. What gives????? Don't you think I have anything better to do that go through your crumby "Be-my-friend/support-my-cause/I-care-for-you/vote-for-so-and-so/you-HAVE-TO-pass-this-on/Do-Not-Delete-This/" emails.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Every time I see a subject line that has one of the above words in it-I delete it-unopened. If it was really important-oh well-it's gone. And I haven't read your important email.
I can handle a few of these but it seems to be going to extremes any more. I can handle the cute pet photos a few times but aren't there any new ones out there in cyberland? The same ones over and over get old.
And as for as the ones that say "you'll have bad luck or good luck if you don't send it on to 3/5/10/ or however many email friends in a certain amount of time. Well, I just can't believe that you, my friends, believe that sh---.
So from now on think before you pass it on. Is it really important? is it the first time you have seen that cute photo? (or the tenth), is it a joke that's been around for 20 years and everyone has heard? (or is it a new one, that made you laugh).
THINK! Don't just forward everything to everyone.


  1. Me too! I delete any email that is "forwarded". I do NOT open cutsie, JUNK jokes or cartoons. I just don't have time to deal with them.
