Monday, April 01, 2013

Spring! At Last!

     Finally there are tiny green leaves appearing on the ends of the tree twigs. I am so glad to see them. It feels like I have waited years instead of a winter for this spring to come. All my trees look like they are just ready to burst into bloom. One Bradford pear is blooming. The other one never seems to bloom any more. Just lots of leaves. Wish I could figure out what the problem with that tree is.
     I planted tomato seeds, cucumber seeds, watermellon and squarsh seeds in peat pots yesterday. They will sit in the sunroom until large enough to put into my little garden. And it will be little this year. Any rogue veggies that come up due to the fact that I let a lot of tomatoes rote in the garden when it froze last fall will be pulled for weeds instead of trying to raise so many plants like I did last year.
     I plants, trees, flowers and anything green has to be watered almost daily here in our desert. I am not able to keep up all the work like I used to so the garden has been cut to just a few veggies.
     I will be planting moring glories, marigolds, cosmas, 4-O-clocks and gladiolias flowers soon. I have a lily and some Dutch Iris fixing to bloom on the sunroom and a bleeding heart plant.
    The worst thing about spring is all the tumbleweeds that are starting to come up. But even they look nice at first since they are green.

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