Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spa Treatment and Another Wind Storm

I spent most of Tuesday doing spa treatments on two of the horses, Sunny, my old paint and Nita my Quarter Horse. They seemed to really enjoy it. I soaked them well with the waterhose, then soaped them good from a bucket of warm water and expensive shampoo from the Dollar Store. After I shampooed each quarter of the horse I would message it with a rubber curry comb followed by a quick rinse. When I had shampooed and messaged all four quarters of the horse I did a complete rinse with the waterhose. All of this was followed by a sweegie to get the rinse water off and then a dry with a couple of towels. Next each horse was allowed to be a four-legged lawn mower for a few minutes and a cottonwood tree trimmer for a few more minutes while on a halter and lead so that they didn't get right down and roll in the dirt after all of my hard work. This included a short bit of ground work to remind them of the basic manners all horses should know.
They were so pretty and clean and soft after all that.
Then today we had another of our putrid wind and sand storms. It has blown all day and sand has seeped into every crack and crevice in the house, the hay shed, storage shed, and my skin. There is desert sand all over my tomato plants that are now producing nice, ripe, red tomatoes. And sand all over the last of my flowers. And of course there is sand all in the nice soft coats of my two horses that were so clean just 24 hours ago. Still have three horses that need the same spa treatment but it will have to wait until this storm is gone.

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