Thursday, January 04, 2007

Melt Down

Now that the snow is over it is time for it to melt. The sun has been nice and warm past couple of days so there is plenty of melting snow. Have you any idea how much water two feet of snow makes when it melts. And even worse is how much ice it makes when it freezes each night. I watched my mare Nita go skating yesterday and it was a horrifing sight. Being a quarter horse she made a mad dash around the turn out field as she frequently does and then come running up to the gate to make her sliding stop. Only there was a big patch of ice where the horses like to stand and wait for there feed, treats and anything else they might wish for. This time Nita was unable to stop her slid on the preverable dime, as the cowboy saying goes. She slid about ten feet and did some fancy footwork to stay on her feet, hit the gate a glancing blow, which helped her stay up, then looked back as if to say "what happened".
Needless to say I have not encourgaed any running or trotting. It is not necessary at this time. And I won't be riding until the snow and ice is gone.
Yesterday I also saw several kids riding their horses on slick icey roads. Don't they or their parents have any brains at all. Those horses could easlly slide down, injuring themselfs or the children riding them.

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