I had arrived in Bedford, Kentucky and was getting to see the home my son had bought just a few months before. It was a modular home but a really nice one. The property includes about 30 acres with lots of trees and grassy areas. 
This spruce tree is in the front yard. There are lots of big trees like the one on the right of the photo but it is to early in the spring for them to have leaves yet. The previous owner said a lot of them are hickory trees and I have found a few of what I believe to be hickory nuts but not near this trees. 
This window with the doggy in it show the winding drive way.
There is a sunroom that isn't being used right now that leads to a large deck and an above ground swimming pool that isn't being used either.
Thee are many flowers here that I have heard of but never seen before. This saucer magnolia is one of few I have been able to identify. There will be ore flowers in a future post. These flowers are quite large and look to be 8 to 10 inches across.
This is the barn on the left and a couple of big metal buildings used as shops on the right. It has been raining and the tractor has left deep ruts. 
I thought at first that this ground cover might be some kind of mint but it has no smell to it like a mint would have. So far I haven't found out what it is. 
It is lovely to see where your soon-to-be new home. I can imagine you sitting on your verandah enjoying a Mint Julip or two xxx