Monday, July 27, 2009
Thunderhead Clouds

Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico

http://www.virtualalbuquerque.com/VirtualABQ/OldTownPlaza/ This website has lots of photos, history information, and tourist information about Old Town.
I have posted a lot of the photos and some brief descriptions of the day that we toured Old Town. I have tried to put them in a semblance of an order of the way we walked and so that it would make since to those readers that have never been there. Hope you find it interesting and that maybe if you are ever in Albuquerque you will find time for a visit to one of my favorite places in my home state.

Indian Market,
New Mexico,
Old Town Albuquerque,
Old Town Walk

Outdoor Cafe
Clay Jug
Blue Door
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Chili Website
There is a shop in Old Town that is all about chili ristras. This is their website.
http://www.thechileshop.com/ I didn't get to this shop on this outing but have been there before.
http://www.thechileshop.com/ I didn't get to this shop on this outing but have been there before.
Chil Pepper Ristra

Flower in Old Town
Patio Market
Privite Allyway
Indian Market Place

There is one area of Old Town that is called the Indian Market Place. Many years ago only Native American Indians were allowed to sell their things in this area. After some problems now others nationalities are allowed to sell here as well. But being a traditionalist with some Indian blood I will only buy from those that look and sound like Indians to me. Most it is hand made jewelry that is sold here. Lots of silver and turquoise, some gold, and copper. But it is very good artistic work and you will pay as much for it here as in some of the shops but instead of being in fancy display cases it is laid out on blankets spread on the ground. At one time I am sure it was on dirt but now it is a wide concrete sidewalk.

San Felipe de Neri Church

This is the huge, old Catholic church in Old Town Albuquerque. It is over 200 years old. I took this photo from across the street from the church, and you can see the steeple and gates leading to the area in front of the church. This church is still used and very popular for weddings and other celebrations. This church is known as the historic San Felipe de Neri Church.
Church Clock
Basket Shop
Old Town Church
Church Steeple
Carving in Tree

cottonwood tree bole,
Old Town Albuquerque,
wood carving
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
30 Years & Working on More
Anniversary Congratulations are in order for my sister and her husband who are celebrating 30 Years in Las Vegas, NV this week.
There's not many couples that have bragging rights for this one. But I have to brag and say that Lee and I will celebrate 39 years together this fall. My mom and dad, and my brother-in-laws parents each had 50 years together. I believe that my mom's sisters also had 50 years with their husbands, as did a couple of my dad's brothers, and sisters. Congratulations to all even if it has been a few years.
Long marriages are made by lots of give and take by couple. They are made with lots of love and understanding. It takes a lot, a super lot of work to make a marriage work, even from the very beginning. It means doing your job and sometimes having to help with your spouses job. I am talking about jobs at home like dishes, laundry, yard work, auto maintenance, kids, cleaning, and everything that goes with making a home. A man should be willing to do the dishes or laundry or clean the bathroom or change a few diapers. A woman should be willing to mow the lawn, change the oil on the car or take it to be done, take out the trash, or see if she can do a simple plumbing job if need be.
While lee was working I usually cleaned the horse pens each day. When he retired and my medical problems got worse Lee took on the job of cleaning horse pens. This week Lee has been down helping our son get his car running so I had to clean pens. My arms feel like they are ready to fall off this morning cause I am not used to having to do it. But you know what - it gives me a good feeling that I am still able to do it, even if it is hot, and it's dirty work, and now my arms hurt. Think I will try doing it a bit more often after Lee gets back. Besides its good exercise.
There's not many couples that have bragging rights for this one. But I have to brag and say that Lee and I will celebrate 39 years together this fall. My mom and dad, and my brother-in-laws parents each had 50 years together. I believe that my mom's sisters also had 50 years with their husbands, as did a couple of my dad's brothers, and sisters. Congratulations to all even if it has been a few years.
Long marriages are made by lots of give and take by couple. They are made with lots of love and understanding. It takes a lot, a super lot of work to make a marriage work, even from the very beginning. It means doing your job and sometimes having to help with your spouses job. I am talking about jobs at home like dishes, laundry, yard work, auto maintenance, kids, cleaning, and everything that goes with making a home. A man should be willing to do the dishes or laundry or clean the bathroom or change a few diapers. A woman should be willing to mow the lawn, change the oil on the car or take it to be done, take out the trash, or see if she can do a simple plumbing job if need be.
While lee was working I usually cleaned the horse pens each day. When he retired and my medical problems got worse Lee took on the job of cleaning horse pens. This week Lee has been down helping our son get his car running so I had to clean pens. My arms feel like they are ready to fall off this morning cause I am not used to having to do it. But you know what - it gives me a good feeling that I am still able to do it, even if it is hot, and it's dirty work, and now my arms hurt. Think I will try doing it a bit more often after Lee gets back. Besides its good exercise.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lee is still in Chaparral, NM and working on the car. Sounds as if he is making some progress toward getting it fixed. Someone had tried to replace the gaskets on it at some point and didn't know what they were doing. Hope they didn't 'fix it' beyond repair.
It is hot down there too, actually hotter there than it is here. Hope he is alright with all that heat.
Dustin keeps wanting us to move down there but I keep thinking why trade one desert hot spot for a worse one. Sure wish he could find a job somewhere better.
It is hot down there too, actually hotter there than it is here. Hope he is alright with all that heat.
Dustin keeps wanting us to move down there but I keep thinking why trade one desert hot spot for a worse one. Sure wish he could find a job somewhere better.
Wiley's Big Adventures
Wiley sneaked out the door twice today. He can be at the far end of the house and he is so fast he will be out the door before I can slip out the door and get it shut again. I have never had a kitten or puppy as lightning fast as this guy is.
It was so hot today he was happy to come in this morning when he first got out as I was going to feed the horses. He was ready at the door when I went in a half hour later. Later about 3 pm he got out and tried to catch a flock of birds that were bathing in the bird water containers we keep out for our feathered friends. Actually it's to try and keep them out of the horse water buckets. Anyway Wiley chased them off and then let me catch in. But when we got in the house he took off slid across the kitchen cabinet, knocked a plate off and broke it.
I was able to remember to put Wiley Wild Cat into a bedroom each time I went out after that. Now it's late and he is wandering the house looking for bugs. We say he has Bug-idus each night. Along with all the heat we have had a huge amount of bugs this years. Most are moths, crickets, and June bugs, but a few are the weird little scorpians we have here. I don't mind him playing with a few moths but sure don't want him playing with the scorpians. At least once or twice an evening I use pieces of a paper towel and try to catch all the bugs and either kill them or throw them back out the door. Would be nice to know how so many get in the house.
It was so hot today he was happy to come in this morning when he first got out as I was going to feed the horses. He was ready at the door when I went in a half hour later. Later about 3 pm he got out and tried to catch a flock of birds that were bathing in the bird water containers we keep out for our feathered friends. Actually it's to try and keep them out of the horse water buckets. Anyway Wiley chased them off and then let me catch in. But when we got in the house he took off slid across the kitchen cabinet, knocked a plate off and broke it.
I was able to remember to put Wiley Wild Cat into a bedroom each time I went out after that. Now it's late and he is wandering the house looking for bugs. We say he has Bug-idus each night. Along with all the heat we have had a huge amount of bugs this years. Most are moths, crickets, and June bugs, but a few are the weird little scorpians we have here. I don't mind him playing with a few moths but sure don't want him playing with the scorpians. At least once or twice an evening I use pieces of a paper towel and try to catch all the bugs and either kill them or throw them back out the door. Would be nice to know how so many get in the house.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It is hot this summer. I know it gets hot here in New Mexico, heck I've lived here for the past 30 some years, and yet it feels hotter to me than in previous years. According to the weather on TV it hasn't reached 100 degrees yet but it's been close, and according to my thermometer outside my front door it has been as high as 102 but that may be because it gets extra hot right there in the afternoon even tho the thermometer is in the shade.
Lee decided to go to Chaparral, NM to see our son, Dustin and to help him with his car that isn't running right. They think it might have a blown head gasket.
I got to stay home and take care of the critters and try to keep the garden and flowers alive with water. Trees arn't doing to bad even with the heat. Guess they are now getting big enough to handle a little hot on their own.
And of course the motor on the air conditioner went out.
But I have this very nice neighbor who came over and took off the motor. I took it to the store and let another nice man tell me what all I needed. Then my neighbor put the new one on for me and now my house is nice and cool.
It is very difficult for me and my family to ask for help for anything. We just never do. If we can't take care of a problem on our own it just doesn't get down. Lee and I are always more than willing to help others that need help we just really are reluctant to ask for it ourselves. I was so glad my neighbor could help with the air conditioner but I still feel guilty for having to ask.
Of course it is very difficult to survive without an AC when you are already used to one. We lived without one most of the time when I was growing up, but I would sure hate to have to do it now.
Thanks again Neighbor.
Lee decided to go to Chaparral, NM to see our son, Dustin and to help him with his car that isn't running right. They think it might have a blown head gasket.
I got to stay home and take care of the critters and try to keep the garden and flowers alive with water. Trees arn't doing to bad even with the heat. Guess they are now getting big enough to handle a little hot on their own.
And of course the motor on the air conditioner went out.
But I have this very nice neighbor who came over and took off the motor. I took it to the store and let another nice man tell me what all I needed. Then my neighbor put the new one on for me and now my house is nice and cool.
It is very difficult for me and my family to ask for help for anything. We just never do. If we can't take care of a problem on our own it just doesn't get down. Lee and I are always more than willing to help others that need help we just really are reluctant to ask for it ourselves. I was so glad my neighbor could help with the air conditioner but I still feel guilty for having to ask.
Of course it is very difficult to survive without an AC when you are already used to one. We lived without one most of the time when I was growing up, but I would sure hate to have to do it now.
Thanks again Neighbor.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Wiley & the Angel

Sunday, July 05, 2009
The best thing about Independence day that I was saw was a beautiful rainbow that graced our skies after a dreadful thunderstorm that hit yesterday afternoon about 5 pm. It really poured for about a half hour but afterward the sun came out and the prettiest rainbow I have seen in a long time spanned the sky with the Sandia Mountains right under it. I haven't got the photos I tried to take on the computer yet but I couldn't get the whole thing in my lens with either the small digital camera or the video camera. Will try to get a couple of the digital shots on later.
Horror of the 4th
4th of July was a nightmare for us. As expected there were people shooting all kinds of illegal fireworks all night. It was worse than previous years. I don't think the police even tried to do anything about it. I heard that the sheriffs office weren't even answering their phones. Maybe they were just to busy. We can hope they were actually out there trying.
My poor little Tuffee dog hide in the bathtub for hours and hours even tho I had given her a tranquiler. My two mares were really frightened several times by large display type fireworks that are totally illegal going off right over us due to the idiot people that live in this neighborhood. The three boy horses didn't seem to be quite as upset.
It was after 2 in the am before it slacked off and I was able to get some sleep. I spent alot of time out checking on the horses and making sure that the stress didn't cause one of them to run and tangle in a fence or colic.
I bet that there are more doctors on call on July 4th, both for people and animals, than any other holiday.
I heard that there were almost 100 dogs turned into the Albuquerque Animal Control or caught by Animal Control Offices who were having to work Saturday night and Sunday. There were about half of the dogs that did get back to their owners today. Of course there were probably twice that many dogs that weren't found.
We found a mini horse running loose this morning, caught it and held it until we saw a family out looking for it this evening. We were glad to be able to help and to keep the little guy from getting hit by a car or even more lost than he was.
And yet those shooting off all those expensive fireworks things never seem to learn that they are endangering their own lives as well as others, not to mention all the pets that are terrified every year.
My poor little Tuffee dog hide in the bathtub for hours and hours even tho I had given her a tranquiler. My two mares were really frightened several times by large display type fireworks that are totally illegal going off right over us due to the idiot people that live in this neighborhood. The three boy horses didn't seem to be quite as upset.
It was after 2 in the am before it slacked off and I was able to get some sleep. I spent alot of time out checking on the horses and making sure that the stress didn't cause one of them to run and tangle in a fence or colic.
I bet that there are more doctors on call on July 4th, both for people and animals, than any other holiday.
I heard that there were almost 100 dogs turned into the Albuquerque Animal Control or caught by Animal Control Offices who were having to work Saturday night and Sunday. There were about half of the dogs that did get back to their owners today. Of course there were probably twice that many dogs that weren't found.
We found a mini horse running loose this morning, caught it and held it until we saw a family out looking for it this evening. We were glad to be able to help and to keep the little guy from getting hit by a car or even more lost than he was.
And yet those shooting off all those expensive fireworks things never seem to learn that they are endangering their own lives as well as others, not to mention all the pets that are terrified every year.
4th of July,
dogs and cats,
illegal firecrackers,
mini horse
Thursday, July 02, 2009
4th of July
Its that time of year again. I hate the sound of fireworks. And my dog hates them even worse. I don't know why they arn't banned everywhere. Not just the big ones but the little noisy firecrackers, and sparklers, too. Every year you hear about people and even worse small children being injured by all kinds of fireworks but especially the sparklers.
And have you ever asked a war veteran if they like fireworks? Most answer that it reminds them to much of having to be in a battle. Battles are not fun. People die in them. So we go out and make mock battles that scare small children, veterans, and our pets. Doesn't make much since does it?
Have a safe Independance Day.
And have you ever asked a war veteran if they like fireworks? Most answer that it reminds them to much of having to be in a battle. Battles are not fun. People die in them. So we go out and make mock battles that scare small children, veterans, and our pets. Doesn't make much since does it?
Have a safe Independance Day.
Going On
Life goes on even though we loose those that we love. But there are those times we are sure it would be better if it didn't. Losing a horse, and two dogs in the past year hasn't been easy. I remember the very first time I went to funeral. I didn't know what to expect. Now I think I have been to too many and want them to stop and I know that they won't. Everything and everyone dies at some point. But it always seems so sinceless and stupid.
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