Sunday, December 23, 2007


There was a comment from Donna about the difference in size on my ponies. And we are hoping that the pinto, Traveler doesn't get so big we have to seperate them. Trave is a yearling and Stormy is a 2 year old. As I said in a previous post when I first got them, they both were from the same Shetland mare, but both had different sires. It is amazing what a difference that can make. Stormy had a Mini stallion for a papa, and Trave had a Tennessee Walking Horse stallion for a papa. At this time Stormy is 40 inches at his withers, and don't think he will get much bigger if any. That makes him to big to be considered a mini and to small to be considered a Shetland. We just think he is really cute and love him dearly. Now Trave is 50 inches at his withers at this time, which makes him a lot talker than a Shetland but a lot smaller than a Walker. We are thinking he might get a bit talker as most yearlings aren't grown. And yes, anyone that would breed a Shetland mare to a Walker is nuts, but my understanding is it was one of 'those accidents'.

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